Dr. Ala' Groof
Consultant General / Vascular Surgeon
Medical Director (Chief Medical Officer), Sidra Kuwait Hospital
Dr. Ala' Groof Participated in many research projects and conferences in General and Vascular Surgery, held in CANADA between 2001 and 2003 and afterwards.
Interests are focused on Clinical manifestation of arterial and venous and lymphatic disorders, including stenosis/occlusion/aneurysmal changes inarterial system in the elderly,
more specifically diabetic patients, CAROTID artery disease, DUPLEX ultrasonography in arterial and venous disorders.
currently in Private Practice as a Consultant Geneal and Vascular Surgeon and Chief Medical Officer in Sidra Kuwait Hospital sine 2022.
- Graduated Bachleor Degree from KUWAIT University Medical College 1992.
- Canadian Board certified in Generla Surgery 2001 and Vascular Surgery 2004.
- Worked in Ministry of Health – KUWAIT from 1992- 2021.
- 1987: Bachelor of Medical Sciences, B.Sc.
- 1992: Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery, BM BCh
- 1999: Advanced Trauma Life Support, ATLS
- 2001: Canadian Board and Fellowship in General Surgery, FRCSC Gen Surg
- 2004: Canadian Board and Fellowship in Vascular Surgery, FRCSC Vas Surg